



This site has only a single language enabled.


Theme Information

Folder Structure


From Demo package:
  1. Download Zircon package here
  2. Extract the download package to get these files:
    • Theme:
    • Demo Package:
  3. Extract Demo Package above and copy it into your host, and rename the directory to zircon
  4. Access to database and create a database with a name such as zircon-d8.
  5. In the demo directory database , you can find database dump named sample_data.sql
    • Import this file into new database.
      • [c9: phpmyadmin-ctl install]
      • PHPMyAdmin Installation complete. You can log in at:
      • [c9: cp /etc/php5/cli/php.ini /home/ubuntu/workspace/]
        • Make sure you select COLLATION utf8mb4_unicode_ci or utf8mb4_general_ci, so in phpMyAdmin, proceed as follows after the creation of your database:
        • click on the name of your database in the left panel
        • click on the tab Operations/Handelingen
        • in the Collation/Collatie panel: choose utf8mb4_unicode_ci
        • check the Change all tables collations/Wijzig alle tabelcollaties checkbox
        • then click on the Go/Starten button
      • [c9: vi /home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini: increase the value for upload_max_filesize (default 2 MB) and post_max_size (default 8 MB)
        • upload_max_filesize = 16M
        • post_max_size = 16M]
      • then import the sample_data.sql file
  6. Open browser and navigate to your website :
    • Choose language: Nederlands
    • Profiel kiezen: Standaard - Minimaal
    • Vereisten controleren:
      • [c9: PHP
        5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14 (<= Cloud9)
        Drupal will drop support for this version on March 6, 2019. Upgrade to PHP version 7.1 or higher to ensure your site can receive updates and remain secure. See PHP's version support documentation and the Drupal 8 PHP requirements handbook page for more information.
      • Controleer de berichten en probeer opnieuw, of kies ervoor om toch door te gaan.]
      • Drupal is reeds geïnstalleerd
        • Om opnieuw te beginnen, maakt u de bestaande database leeg en vervangt u settings.php door default.settings.php.
        • Om een bestaande installatie te upgraden, gaat u verder naar script updaten.
        • Bekijk uw bestaande site.
    • Click Visit your new site and you will have a new site.
    • Welcome to Drupal 8. Now enjoy your work built with Zircon theme from WeebPal:
  7. Now, you can visit administrator site with the admin account admin/admin to delete the unnecessary contents and add the new ones.


mt-h5u-dopetrope (

consult-master > mt-consult cross

FormTools3.0.8-20180917 > mt-formtools cross

mt-hugo cross

See HugoStaticSiteGenerator

tellform-master > mt-tellform cross



trial on Cloud9

And then, still another 15 problems persist…

trial on codeanywhere

On, you can choose a PHP stack including Composer.

The command to create a new Open Restaurant project, was here executed without issues:

composer create-project openrestaurant/openrestaurant-project myrestaurant

Then I was able to initialize the distribution's install.php!: Although I was always redirected to http instead https…

Open Restaurant 2.5.0
PHP OPcode caching
Niet ingeschakeld
PHP OPcode caching kan de prestaties van de site aanzienlijk verbeteren. Het is sterk aanbevolen om OPcache te installeren op de server.
Drupal is reeds geïnstalleerd
Om opnieuw te beginnen, maakt u de bestaande database leeg en vervangt u settings.php door default.settings.php .
Om een bestaande installatie te upgraden, gaat u verder naar script updaten.
Bekijk uw bestaande site.